Hi again,
I just posted regarding our hunt for a Parker 31:
http://parkerseal.org.uk.../t/2522/parker-31-sought In that post I mentioned that we really like the Parker 275, but think our daughters will outgrow the forecabin of a 275 as they get older.... hence considering a Parker 31. I know this sounds silly, as I grew up sailing on Silhouettes, Hurley 18s, small Hunters and so on, so I must be getting soft!
Another boat that is potentially of interest is the Gibsea-282, see for example the details here:
http://www.yachtsnet.co.uk/arch...ibsea-282/gibsea-282.htm The Gibsea 282 seems to compromise a little more on the space in the saloon which I think we could live with, but also perhaps to have a slightly better forecabin for two teenagers. They also seem to come in at a more affordable price than Parkers. They don't seem to have the same following though and people seem to be less complimentary of their sailing ability, which is something we really like about the Parkers and would not like to give up.
Does anyone have comments about the Gibsea 282 in terms of sailing performance?
Finally, I'd also be interested if anyone has comments on a Feeling 326, although my sense is that this is more boat than we need.
We'd also considered a few bilge keelers (e.g. hunter horizon 31, Westerly Merlin) but currently are still not keen to give up the lifting keel.
Any thoughts or advice very welcome!
Thank you,