
Has anyone got the numbers and wire diameter for the rig tension on a 325 with a Loose Type B gauge.


Barry Tiernan

Hi Barry, I'll pop down to my boat and check the measurements. Do you have a copy of the Looe user leaflet - if not I can scan it for you. There is an adjustment for Dyform rigging.

By the way, there is a bit of a compromise between getting the rig tight to power to windward and being able to close the heads door. And getting leaks from the deck chain plates cover. I slackened my rig over the winter and had no more rain water dripping in.

Below are some details taken from my (photocopied) book of the boat. However, the more I talk to other 325/335 owners - even boats built in the same year - the more I find almost every boat is different!

Rig Material Diameter Length

Upper Cap Shrouds - V1 Dyform S/S 1x19 7 mm 11.120 m

Intermediates - V2/D2 Dyform S/S 1x19 5 mm 7.597 m

Lowers - D1 Dyform S/S 1x19 7 mm 4.130 m

Forestay Dyform S/S 1x19 6 mm 11.300 m

Backstay Dyform S/S 1x19 5 mm 9.150 m

Backstay Bridle S/S 7x19 6 mm 9.450 m

Best Wishes,


Nosey 325-26

Nosey - Parker 325-26
Hi John

I only have use of a Loose type gauge but no leaflets, I would be grateful for a copy and what rig tensions you operate at

I agree all are different, one of the 325's even has the mast size of a 31

I am resetting the bulk bolts tomorrow with new sleeves and will need to redo the shroud tensions

Boats, who would have one

Thanks again for your help


Thanks John and Mike for all you advice

Rigging from ols receipt says wire is steel 1/19 (??)

But I presume the gauge is

Caps & Lowers 7mm

Mid 5 mm

Using Lose Gauge PT-2M

Caps 41

Mid 23

But various opinions on lowers between 31 and 40

What would you suggest

I have the Caps at 41



I've just come across a blog from Phil Smith, P275/38 

Does this sound familiar ... This is especially worrying as the shrouds on Flamingo are set up using the Parkinson-Fosdyke method; tighten the cap shrouds until the heads door won’t open, then back them off two turns. Tight!

Nosey - Parker 325-26