I eventually did something comparable. I was able to remove two bolds from the old winch. With a 5mm drill barely gripped in the drill I was able to drill both holes from the top through the inner mould. By measuring carefully I identified to remaining drill positions.
I drilled 22mm holes. The first two went fine. The starboard front bold was so close underneath the mold that the drill almost immediately hit the bold. I cut off the tip of the drill and then was able to finish all holes.
Remember not all bolts have equal length … right … ? So I had to change positions of two bolts.
To losen the bolts I got help from my friend Ducktape.
All in all it took about 2 hours to replace the old Antal winch for the new selftailing two speed Antal XT 30.2 winch.
Note: The holes are exactly in the same positions.

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