Jesper R.
Dear friends, i´m the happy new owner (7 months) of a Seal 22 MK III. What a lovely boat. Thank you for letting me in this forum.

My masthead is in very bad shape, does anyone here have some good ideas, is it possible to find a new one or should i just make one by heart.

Geoff Harwood
I haven't seen a Seal 22 mast with detachable top. People who put their masts up and down a lot often have trouble with the foot and will probably have some answers. Is yours upside down?

Geoff Harwood
Jesper R.
Dear Geoff

Thank you for answering my question.

At the top of the mast, there is a small aluminum plate covering the mast top, it is attached with 6 rivets down in the mast. That plate is almost broken where the stern tack is attached to it. It is probaly not original, and i have not seen how the stern tack is attached normally.
Please forgive my english, i´m not sure i know the right maritime expressions, hopefully the meaning should be clear.

all the best

Geoff Harwood
I wonder if your stern tack might be what we would call a backstay. A wire from masthead to stern, usually adjustable to control the bend of the mast. The Seal 22 was originally designed without a backstay but I know some owners have fitted one and yours could be an example. I think you will need to make your own new plate, perhaps making it a little stronger in the place where it is cracking.

Jesper R.
This is exactly what i mean, thank you for your help Geoff