John Williams
How close should/can the top swivel on the furling system be to the genoa halyard diverter on the mast of a 275/285 Z Spar rig? Mine seems rather high with my new sails. I've looked at as many 275/285 photos as I can find but can't see enough detail to see if other boats are the same as mine and I worrying over nothing. The Z Spar info for the furling system states approx 20 degree divert. Mine is more than that. What are others like please?


John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323

Tim Reeder

I have tried with the new technology to add some photos. One of my boat Speedwell and one of Nosey Parker. They both look about the same - >20 degrees but seem to work OK.



Hope this helps


John Williams
Thanks for that Tim. That is a great help. My top swivel is even closer to the diverter than both those in your pictures. It shouldn't be too much of a job to put right. I will have a go at posting a picture myself later so you can see mine.

John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323

John Williams

Picture of Crystals top swivel.


What do you think?

John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323

Tim Reeder
Hi John

Yours doesn't look too bad - how would you alter it?

Good luck.


John Williams

Having seen your pictures maybe mine is not as bad as I thought however one of the reasons for gettting new sails was that I thought the divert of my genoa halyard was too great with my old sails as I thought they had stretched. I've looked at photos of P235s and P31s and they have a very small divert as I would have expected on a P275/285. I thought too much divert puts an extra stress on the forestay and limits halyard tension. The fix for me is to have my genoa luffs shortened slightly.

John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323

Mike Edwards
Hello John

The whole point of the divert is to stop the halyard twisting round the forestay when reefing.

I think the greater the angle the better (within reason).


Mike Edwards

Seal 28 "Aztec"

Mike Edwards

Seal 28 "Aztec"

John Elliott
Hi John,

To my mind the real question is whether you can get sufficient luff tension on the genoa--bearing in mind modern sails need far less than when I was a lot younger.

No doubt you found Charles of Hyde helpful when ordering, so why not talk to him about it?

I have not yet hoisted my new No 1, but the blade goes up the foil on "Cascada" about the same distance as your photograph shows. I don't have any worries about it.

275/30 "Cascada"

275/30 "Cascada"
John Williams
Thanks Mike

I think I will leave it as it is for now and keep an eye on it. Other 275/285s as shown in Tims pictures seem to be of a similar setup with no problems and I don't want to have what is a fantastic new Hyde tri-radial sail altered if I can help it. I've overhauled the furling system so it all runs really well. I can always move the diverter if necessary, or not use it at all which should work ok which would sort out any divert angle issue. It's just the Z Spars recommendation of 15 to 20 degree divert which is not a lot that concerned me with the way it is now. I've been out a few times with the new sails and they perform really well. Very pleased with them for shape and quality. Looking forward to the better weather now.

John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323

John Williams
Hi John

I have spoken to Charles of Hydes at length over it and Hydes don't think it's a problem. I'm lucky Charles lives up the road from me so I can bother him very easily. [:)] However Z Spars do think it's an issue when I spoke to them and they recommended the sail be shortened. I'm not going to do that for now as I seem to get enough luff tension as it is and it furls ok and it's a great shape sail.

John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323

I note with interest that all three pictures show the radar reflector at the top of the mast on the bendy bit. When you tension up the backstay doesn't that put the rivets under stress? I would be anxious about them popping out. Has it ever been a problem? I cant bear to increase my windage that much so will stay with old technology on a flag halyard!


John Williams
The radar reflector was the first thing I removed when I bought Crystal but in a moment of safety madness put it back on while the mast was down recently. I regret doing it and it will come off again as soon as I can get to it. The windage is too much for me to bear too. I don't think there is any danger of it falling off. The rivets are very firm and hard to drill out.

John Williams

275/60 CRYSTAL

John Williams


Beneteau 323