Ian A_Court

I have a 22 which came with the sail number 150 but having now cleaned off several layers of gunge in the stern locker, what appears to me, (and I stand corrected) as the numbers 88 over 6 73 have appeared. See picture.
If I don’t have the boat I thought I had, can anyone tell me anything about what I have got? Name, owners, any history etc.
Seasons Greetings
[img]UserPostedImage [/img]
Geoff Harwood
John Baker's numbers drilled into the transom seem to bear little relationship to the sail numbers. It is however hard to alter so might be worth keeping a note of it in case her identity is somehow called into question!

We have 150 originally as "Morlick" owned by Prof N Robertson in Cardiff. Then she was "Ciel" Mr F Barber in Exeter. Then "Peggy" in your name.
