Phil L
Has anyone experienced the symptoms of the engine firing but initially running very, very slowly and sometimes stopping? The engine control lever position has no effect. There is good compression and all runs perfectly otherwise. I have heard it suggested that it could be low injector pressure/poor spray pattern. Any experience with this?


Phil Longhurst

Neil Sinclair
I think the clue lies in the lack of response to the control lever. Your engine's governor is jammed due to condensation and rust over the winter. I regret to say that, although I have heard of this problem with the Bukh DV20, I have not experienced it myself. Try Bukh Diesel (UK) on 01202 668840. They are very helpful with advice over the phone and can supply parts by return.


Neil Sinclair

Neil Sinclair

Seal 28/27

'Andiamo of Exe'

This could be to ageing fuel feed pipe from the tank to the pump invisible to the eye becomes slightly pourous and will cause the symptoms you mention. A complete new fuel feed pipe is the only answer. Good luck!

John Fillingham - Seal 26/19 'Pink Panther'

John Fillingham

Phil L
Thanks for the very helpful replies.

Either seems quite plausible. I was considering very temporarily using a short length of clear hose between lift pump and secondary filter to "see" whether there air air bubbles - indicating an air leak towards the tank.

Thanks again.

Phil Longhurst