Stephen Godber
I've had 5 insurance quotes for my new 235 and the most expensive is from Haven who are a recommended SSA insurer! Notwithstanding that there are some small print details to check out (some include legal expenses, some include medical cover, etc) there seem to be better offers elsewhere. Anyone got experiences or recommendations - are there any obvious pitfalls I might be missing? Thanks!

Stephen Godber

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

I use Bishop Skinner...reduced rates if you are a RNLI supporter and a RYA member...

Approx £150 I think..

Paul Burton

Paul Burton.

Wayfarer no.9362

I've used Navigators and General and have had good service from them - had a claim to deal with which was handled very smoothly, albeit with subsequent loss of no-claims bonus!

Niels Petersen

Don Harvey

For many years covering ownership of a Parker 21, Parker 275 and now a 325 I have used a 'Yachtmaster Insurance Services' of Woodbridge. You can contact them on 01394 615755 or bt e-mail on enquiries AT They used to be based in Boston and many new Parker owners went to them.

A point of interest - one year they chose for me insurance with Navigators & General. As N&A were recommended by the SSA, I knew they would give a contribution to the Association if I went with them direct. I contacted N&A them saying I was a member of the SSA and to my amazement, they quoted me about £40 more than I was quoted through the above broker.

I went with the broker.



Don Harvey


Don Harvey

Stephen Godber
Thanks Don - very interesting, I think that happens more often than we might think! I'll certainly give them a call - thanks again!

Stephen Godber

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"