Having got my rudder free by working it side to side and up and down while doseing it with WD40 over a period of several weeks, it has remained free with just a squirt every winter since 2003. Perhaps its a problem with boats that don't get used very much.
My memory is slowly coming back after your phone call. I remember that I removed the bottom pintle and the tiller. I let the rudder drop down about 2 inches, so that I could create a 'pool' of WD40 around the squared off end of the shaft. When I say 'I let the rudder drop down' I really had to lever it down using a piece of wood between the rudder and the hull. I kept the WD40 pool full and worked the rudder from side to side. Eventually, after several weekends of intermittent wiggling, I found the rudder dropping under its own weight. I never saw any WD40 emerge from the bottom of the rudder tube!
Cheers! Neil
Neil Sinclair
Neil Sinclair
Seal 28/27
'Andiamo of Exe'