Hi all

Just to introduce myself.....

I've been boating for many years and have only ever had two boats my first was a motor boat which i had for 15 years with most of my boating in caernarfon bay. But i always wanted to sail and having taken early retirement sold the motor boat and stated looking for a sailing boat. Sailing can be a huge drain and choosing a yacht is daunting but i knew that i did not want to buy a yacht to learn to sail on only to find it as my experience grew It was lacking in the right quality and capability. A boat on a permanent mooring whilst a nice idea does limit your sailing experiences when learning to sail. Sailing on a lake is a great way to learn to sail but you do need the challenge of the sea especially if you've got sailing ambitions like mine !

So lots of research everywhere including this forum the choice came down to just two, very pricey but with a clear favourite. Then quite by chance Mary (who now refers herself as the 'other' woman) caught me dreaming over a boat advert and in a moment of weakness said 'if that's what you want why don't you go and look at it'. Twenty five years of marriage teaches you a thing or two especially the bit about 'before she has second thoughts' . And there i was looking at this beautiful yacht with all the quality and functionality a budding sailor could ever wish for. Thank you Paul for looking after her so well.

Two weeks later i brought home Lady Penelope.

Lady P , a 235 no.40 , has been a very frequent visitor to Lake Windermere teaching me how to sail and after Day Skipper i took the Yachtmaster theory and a few weeks ago found myself sailing in Gibraltar on a coastal skipper 'refresher' course on a beneteau 37. A bigger boat maybe but Lady P has taught me well just to prove how capable boat she is and this year I'm now planning to take her further afield both inland and seaway.

A really big thanks to you all because without all your experiences from keel eye bolt replacement to sailings i could not have bought my first yacht " right first time"

Welcome to the Forum Jan and Mary,

Congratulations with your choice of trailer sailer. We sail our P235 Juicy Blue out of Conwy N Wales. It would be nice to see you out and about in Conwy Bay if it's on your list of places to sail[:)].As you know the weather has not been kind of late but fingers crossed we are hopeful of taking a short trip down to Abermenai/Landwyn Is before the end of July.

All the best with Lady P.

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Thanks Gary

Mary loves sailing but her version starts at 100m long, has balconies, swiming pools, all inclusive and stabilisers.... But i'm working on it [:D]

I'm planning for phllheli as my next tidal sail within the next few weeks with Rutland sometime in August and Conwy is certainly on the list for later in the year and some local knowledge would be well appreaciated. I would hope to post my sailing intentions on the forum on a regular basis so If it works out see you there for sure.