Hi Mike, and welcome to the forum.
We tow our P235 with a Kia Sorento KX2 4x4 it has a towing capacity of 2500 kgs which is more than adequate. Having said that we did get bogged down 2 weeks ago on the slipway at Conwy. Having recovered Juicy Blue to the trailer, the motor just would not budge (not even a wheel spin!) and I needed to get the shovel out to move sand off the concrete slipway from around the wheels, while doing so I was offered a tow (gratefully accepted) and all went well in the end. The trip back home was uneventful and I backed the boat up our steep drive with only the mere whiff of clutch burn this time.[:)]
The car park at the top of the slip.

The concrete slipway covered in sand...photo taken a week beforehand, we had hoped that the council JCB would have cleared the slip for the following week when we had planned to fetch Juicy Blue home..no such luck[:(!]

It is usually clear of sand..The photo shows the extent of the concrete slip there can sometimes be a drop of 9 inches or so off the end of the slip enough to make launching/recovery difficult if not timed right.

So to conclude I would not be happy with anything less than a 4x4 with a towing capacity in excess of 2000 kgs in order to deal with our own particular needs.
Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel
Crew of Juicy Blue P235
Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel
Crew of Juicy Blue P235