Hi all,
I'm thinking about replacing my mainsail and a short jib (roughly a No 3). It's some years since I have done this and frankly my sails are definately in their twilight years....! In fact, the jib is knackered....
I mainly cruise, sometimes do longer distances and subsequently we are sometimes out in stronger weather. We also do the occasional small club race. I'm also looking for a material with a high UV resistance (we may go south in a few years time) and something that will me give a longer life.
So I'm thinking about a heavier material, most likely a dacron, with short battens on the mainsail.
Has anyone purchased new sails for a 325/335 recently? Any recommendations for a sail maker? What cloth and weight did you choose? Any special features that you would advise on? Did you get a good deal and service?
Thanking you all in advance.
Pegasus 325/37