Paul Morris
Earlier this year I purchased Scrumpy Jack 22/155, and spent the latter part of the season get used to her in Poole Harbour.

I've now brought her home to the midlands for the winter, to carry out some alterations, ready for next season.

One major problem is the lack of a safe and sensible cooker arrangement,including bottle storage.At the moment all there is, is a moulded sink and drainer by the starboard berth.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd be grateful. I was contemplating a meths cooker, saving the problem of gas storage, but wondered whether they make the boat smell?

Other jobs include Water Storage, jack stays and a way of securing two small children on board
Paul Morris
I have been fitting out my Seal 22 MK 1,making various alterations to the interior, you are welcome to come and have a look, or I can e-mail you some photos. I live near junction 24 of the M1.
e- mail. malc AT
Malc Aindow
Paul Morris
I'd be very interested in you e-mailing me some photos of the work you've done, and if possible coming to have a look if I could find the time.
I actually live by Jnc 9 on the M42, so it isn't to far away.

Regards Paul

My E-mail address is: Paul AT
Paul Morris
Phil L
On Sumbeam (S22/149) we have the same moulded galley. First mod was to raise the height of the moulding by a crucial few inches and cut away the flange on the underside of the shelf over the berth. This then makes it possible for an average adult's hips to be accomodated/turned when sleeping. The GRP leg can probably be omitted to allow plastic crates to slide under galley. Small Jerry cans for water (10 or 12l) can be slid in the gap in front of the keel from the Port side.

We use an Origo stove & find it fine for Picnics or even a couple of weeks cruising (not over ambitious menus though). It is very safe to use and provides adequate heat. There is virtually nothing to go wrong - apart from the Gas Match, so carry a spare/refill. You want a very slender type or long matches to feed down into the burner. We don't Gimbal ours - just fixed down forward of the "bowl" moulding (use it as a bottle/teapot store).
We carry a 2.5 litre Meths bottle and decant/funnel into a smaller bottle for topping up. It lasts all season - but we religously fit the foam cover on the burner (once cool enough) to limit evaporation.
We haven't decided what to do about a bowl - a cheapie plastic one used wherever - cockpit - does for now. Good luck
Phil Longhurst