Hello Dick and Jan!
Dick, The masters in question is Engineering/Project management. My experience is that I am a qualified light marine engineer, work as a volunteer at a boatbuilding charity and I am a serious boat enthusiast!
I am taking many photographs and will attempt to create a blog, I am also awaiting instruction on how to upload pictures on here?! The project will include me replacing the starboard bulkhead and a full 2 pack re-paint, including a new 'wetblast' system being used to remove old paint.
You are correct in the fact the previous owner has simply locked the keel in place and has braced it using 60x60 box uprights glassed into the deck head. I am very open and willing to listen to any advice or suggestions.
Jan, thank you very much for this recommendation, Mr. Castro has also been very helpful and advised me to get in touch with the same company. As for Whisperers stability, having spoken to the previous owners crew, sailing was a very very tippy and often a wet experience, although she hasn't really been sailed very much in the last 7 years.
I have seen a post on here from a previous owner calling himself Colin, I am going to ask if he had the keel or knows where it is.. Alternatively I am going to look at having a wing made.
Thank you all